Paper is NOT Dead
Does your tech integration add value?
Does your tech integration add value to your lessons, units, and more importantly, does it improve student learning? If you are unsure, or the answer is no, then stop, and start again. This will happen over and over throughout the development of courses as tech becomes seamlessly integrated into education, it's natural selection. Please use the resources below to participate in the presentation as we attempt to add value to an already valuable form of teaching, the traditional lecture.
If Students Designed their Own Schools....
If this doesn't get you thinking as an educator, what will? I stumbled upon this while sitting through dead time that is so common at most schools, time that you will never get back and is rarely productive, and was immediately inspired. It is big picture stuff, but is there not the possibility to create a bit of this in our own courses? What would the outcome be? I'm going to find out. Watch this space.
2012 Year in Review
A great video for a currents events activity. Can you identify each event? What is missing?